Friday, January 29, 2010

Another Minigame

Adapting a casual game to a serious game - His project stretches his creativity. Inventing a truly new game is like that. On the other hand, he knows there’s nothing new under the sun. Yet all around are ways to make a new way of learning printmaking easy and more entertaining—like computer games. 432 Words. ps100129. ©2010 Bill Ritchie. Full text by email request:

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Coffeeshop Classroom

Vision of a new school - The author is a long-retired art professor who still dreams of a perfect classroom for his far-flung ideas about his domain-of-expertise, which is fine art printmaking. He’s also father of a coffeeshop owner and he wonders if he can use her shop to teach. 755 Words. ps100909. ©2010 Bill Ritchie. Full text by email request: